Pending Documents

  • SOP - currently v1.5
  • Program Specific Information for SOP.
  • Emails to program specific profs and Nvidia managers
  • Personal Statement
  • Resume/CV - reference:
  • 2 courses and 2 profs of interest.
  • Scientific essay - TUM only
  • LORs draft
  • Fee Waiver Email
  • Add Gatech CSE instead of EPFL

Contact People

  • Research Advisor
  • Course Instructors
  • Nvidia Managers - Email Sent
  • Manager

College Specific

  • CMU
    • Video SOP (MSAII)
  • ASU
    • complete all documents
  • Upenn
    • Submit the application.

Generic email for requesting LOR.

Subject: Request for a Letter of Recommendation for Graduate School Applications

Respected [Name],

I trust this message finds you in good health. I am Gaurav Batra, a former undergraduate student from IIIT Hyderabad, from the batch of [Your Graduation Year]. You may recall my enrolment in your [Specific Course Name] during [specific semester/year, e.g., "Fall of 2018"], wherein I was fortunate enough to secure an 'A' grade under your esteemed instruction.

I write to you with a specific request. I am currently in the process of applying to various graduate programs in Computer Science for the academic year beginning Fall 2024. Considering the academic rigour of your course and the profound understanding I derived from it, I am reaching out to seek your esteemed support in the form of a Letter of Recommendation for my applications. Your endorsement, I believe, would provide these institutions with a deeper insight into my academic capabilities and my earnestness as a student.

I am conscious of the fact that crafting such a recommendation requires a considerable investment of time. To that end, should you require it, I stand ready to provide a summary of my academic achievements, a draft, or any other relevant information that might aid you in this process.

Your guidance during my undergraduate years has been invaluable, and I am hopeful that you might consider my request. Kindly inform me if there are any prerequisites or additional details you would need.

Thanking you in advance for considering my application, and I await your favourable response.

Yours sincerely,

Gaurav Batra
[Your Contact Information, if necessary]

Specialised Email: Girish

Subject: Request for a Letter of Recommendation for Graduate School Applications

Dear Professor Verma,

I trust this email finds you well. My name is Gaurav Batra, and I had the privilege of being a student in two of your courses - [Course Name 1] and PGDM (Probabilistic Graphical Models), where I was honoured to secure an 'A' grade in both. Furthermore, you appointed me as a Teaching Assistant for the course - Probability and Statistics (MA6.101). I'm reaching out with a specific request that is of great significance to my academic journey.

I am currently in the process of applying to graduate programs in Computer Science for Fall 2024. Given the depth of our interactions both inside and outside the classroom, I believe a Letter of Recommendation from you would provide a comprehensive perspective on my academic capabilities, dedication, and potential.

Your courses have been instrumental in shaping my understanding and passion for the subject matter. The knowledge I've gained from PGDM, in particular, has been foundational to many of the research and practical applications I've undertaken since then. Serving as a TA under your guidance for Probability and Statistics has been equally enriching, allowing me to delve deeper into the subject and gain invaluable teaching experience.

I understand that writing a recommendation letter requires time and effort. If needed, I can provide any additional information, details about my projects, or even a draft to streamline the process.

Your support in this crucial phase of my academic pursuit would mean a great deal to me. Please let me know if you'd be comfortable providing the recommendation, and if there's any other information you'd require.

Thank you for considering my request, and I sincerely hope we can continue our academic discussions in the near future.

Warm regards,

Gaurav Batra
[Your Contact Information, if necessary]

1 pager SOPs

  • McGill, ETH Zurich, Purdue, UIUC

Respected Sir,

I hope this message finds you well and that you had a joyful Diwali celebration. As we move forward into this festive season, I am reaching out with an update regarding my graduate school applications.

In the next couple of days, you will be receiving official emails from the following universities requesting your Letter of Recommendation for my applications. I greatly appreciate your willingness to support me in this endeavour.

Here is a list of the universities, arranged according to the deadlines for the LOR submissions:

  1. The University of Toronto - 1st December, 2023
  2. Carnegie Mellon University - 13th December, 2023. [Don't forget to allow the LOR to be attached to multiple applications. This will enable me to attach the LOR to more than one course.]
  3. Umass Amherst - 15th December, 2023
  4. University of Southern California - 15th December, 2023
  5. McGill University - 15th December, 2023
  6. The University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign - 15th December, 2023
  7. UW Madison - 15th December, 2023
  8. ETH Zurich - 15th December, 2023
  9. Purdue University - 20th December, 2023
  10. UT Austin - 20th December, 2023

Your guidance and support have been invaluable to me, and I am deeply grateful for your help in this crucial phase of my academic journey. Should you require any additional information, please feel free to let me know. I am fully prepared to assist in any way necessary.

Thank you once again for your invaluable support. Your assistance not only aids in my academic progression but also serves as an inspiration.

I'll make sure to send out timely reminders before each deadline.

Warm regards, Gaurav Batra

Recommender's details

Vinayak Pore Director - Systems Software +91 9921348873

  • University of Toronto Questions answered
  • GRE Scores send
  • Manan LOR refactor and submit. [ETH, McGill, CMU]
  • 1 pager SOP for other unis [UofT]
  • 1 pager statement for Usc
  • Submit McGill [STAGE 1]
  • Submit ETH Zurich
  • Submit UofT
  • Nvidia Manager LOR Submit
  • Manager LOR Submit

Pending Toefl List

  • CMU
  • UMass
  • UIUC
  • UW Madison
  • ETH
  • Purdue
  • UT Austin

Pending GRE List

  • CMU
  • UofT
  • UT Austin
  • UW Madison
  • UIUC

Pending Tasks

  • Interview MScAC, University of Toronto
    • Prepare answers for about University
    • Prepare answers for current and past work
      • Intern
      • Research Paper
      • Work.
    • Technical Interview Details. Connect with people on Linkedin and gather info.
      • DSA preparation.
  • Scholarships
    • Narotam Sekhsaria Scholarship for Higher Studies [14 March]
    • UniCreds Fly High Scholarship [31st March]
  • TUM Application
    • Write SOP
    • Write essay
    • Send GRE scores

UWM I have received an admit form UWM PMP for Fall'24. I wanted to know what are the downsides/things I should be aware of about the program as compared to the traditional MSCS. Also, I have an admit from Upenn MSE/CIS too. I am a little bit confused as to what program to choose. Upenn being on the costlier side of the spectrum, is it even worth it? If you could pitch in your views that would be great.